
Thales Partners



RxNT was founded more than fifteen (15) years ago by the President/CEO of Networking Technology Inc., and prides itself on being an eHealth solution provider that has not only survived but has flourished even in difficult times faced by the healthcare sector. RxNT offers electronic health record keeping (RxNT eHr), electronic prescribing (RxNT eRx), and practice management (RxNT PM) solutions that give healthcare providers of all sizes flexible, cost effective solutions. RxNT’s specialty-specific solution is integrated across mobile devices for Windows and Mac wireless devices.  RxNT Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS) provides real-time services to patients for managing prescriptions, automatically checking status in real time such as drug formula information and claims history.
1449 Whitehall Rd Annapolis Maryland United States North Americas 21409
800-943-RxNT (7968)


RXNT eRx: Code Signing with SafeNet Luna SA

More than half of states in the U.S. have Electronic Prescribing for Controlled Substances (EPCS) mandates that have either taken effect or are approaching quickly. Using an EPCS-certified Electronic Prescription tool like RXNT eRx is an efficient, secure way to write and transmit prescriptions and achieve better clinical outcomes. 

To protect the flow of this sensitive prescription information, RXNT works with SafeNet Luna SA HSM. Luna SA is the most trusted general purpose HSM on the market in part because of its unique approach to securing data through protecting cryptographic keys. Luna SA key storage uses a ‘keys-in-hardware’ approach that protects the entire key lifecycle within the FIPS 140-2 validated, tamper-proof appliance. This method ensures protection of the digital keys, and therefore the encrypted data they guard.