Perspectives and Pathways to
Sovereignty and Transformation
Despite the economic and geopolitical tensions that arose in 2022, enterprises continued to invest in their operations and their digital transformation. Organizations balanced security and privacy risks with opportunities opened by new technologies and business models. The 2023 Thales Global Data Threat Report, conducted with nearly 3,000 respondents across 18 countries, in roles ranging from senior executive leaders to individual practitioners, illustrates how influencers and decision-makers manage this balance; considers their attitudes, perceptions, realities and expectations for the years ahead; looks at the influencers and decision-makers driving enterprise security policies and practices; and highlights changes over time. This report includes a supplement focused on the Asia Pacific (APAC) region, and briefly discuss the opportunities and challenges of digital sovereignty and points to consider for the future.
Analysis from S&P Global Market Intelligence, based on a survey of nearly 3,000 security professionals worldwide
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2023 Thales Data Threat Report – Global Edition
The 2023 Data Threat Report highlights human error as a primary cause of data breaches, the growing importance of digital sovereignty, and the challenges faced in securing multicloud environments. With improving security attitudes but lagging outcomes, organizations are focusing on stronger MFA adoption to protect sensitive data.
Key Findings - Asia Pacific Region
We’re only human

The #1 root cause of cloud data breach is human error.
In response, enterprises are empowering their users to avoid errors. Strong multi-factor authentication adoption in APAC has increased to 62%, up 6 percentage points from last year, and 32% of respondents identify identity and access management as the top security technology most effective in 62% protecting sensitive data from cyberattacks, illustrating an evergrowing focus on preventing human error in the region.
Post quantum cryptography moves further from the academic to the real world
60%of APAC respondents say network decryption is the quantum computing security threat of greatest concern.
Digital Sovereignty is an emerging strategic initiative
96%of APAC respondents say designating or changing the location and jurisdiction of data or implementing full data encryption are acceptable measures to achieve various levels of digital sovereignty.
58%of APAC organizations have at least five enterprise enterprise key management systems, somewhat lower than the global percentage (62%), adding to the complexity.
50% of APAC organizations have a formal RANSOMWARE response plan, compared to 47% in 2022 when we first asked.
Global Edition
2023 Thales Data Threat Report
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