On demand cryptographic resources for your virtual data center and cloud - Webinar

On demand cryptographic resources for your virtual data center and cloud - Webinar

More than ever organizations need to cut costs, increase efficiency and maximize resources. Moving to the Cloud and consolidating your IT infrastructure is the best way to achieve this.

Creating and protecting cryptographic keys in this environment has moved to an initial upfront concern, but how can you manage this in an efficient and agile way when you don’t have security/crypto experts available throughout your functional teams? How can you keep pace with business demands for encrypting applications whilst maintaining compliance and security?

Join your fellow professionals to understand the concept of the world’s first Crypto Hypervisor, an innovative crypto processor created for cloud and virtual applications, a solution which allows secure and compliant elasticity, manageability and control of your cryptographic resources.

The crypto hypervisor creates a single crypto hardware platform abstracted into many Dynamic Crypto Resources:

  • Automated provisioning of Dynamic Crypto Resources
  • Dynamically binds Dynamic Crypto Resources to virtual applications
  • Validated to be secure by third parties
  • A Trust Anchor for cloud and virtual environments, protecting the cryptographic key lifecycle
  • Provides security, auditability, scalability, high performance, and consolidated management
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