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Encryption As A Service - CloudHesive And Vormetric Team Up To Defend Data In The Cloud

May 14, 2015

Cloudhesive plus Vormetric equals Encryption as a serviceWritten by Jim Walker - CEO Cloudhesive

When it comes to securing the cloud, how much trust is too much? Because defending data continues to be a rising concern, we found an answer to that inevitable question when we teamed up with Vormetric to power the best of encryption in the cloud.

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Last week, Vormetric announced its partnership with CloudHesive to offer encryption as a service (EaaS). Leveraging Vormetric Transparent Encryption and The Vormetric Cloud Encryption Gateway, the partnership provides CloudHesive customers with a seamless cloud-based infrastructure for the enterprise. From encryption as a service to managed services, here are some of the highlights of the new offering:

  • Encryption as a Service, EaaS: Through the partnership, CloudHesive now provides managed services to companies that want to adopt enterprise-grade solutions implementing Vormetric’s transparent encryption and cloud gateway offerings. Whether transparent encryption or application encryption, encryption as a service allows us to deliver data-at-rest encryption for any file, server or database, at any location. Vormetric’s Transparent Encryption includes data encryption at the file or volume level without modification of existing infrastructure or applications and at hardware encryption enabled speeds. The solution also includes access controls to encrypted data and security intelligence information that helps organizations identify potential malicious attacks, all while remaining compliant.
  • Managed Services: At CloudHesive, we provide managed services to security companies and enterprise industry leaders. Coupled with Vormetric Transparent Encryption and The Vormetric Cloud Encryption Gateway, CloudHesive is able to help the enterprise adopt encryption more quickly. It also speeds up deployment times across a broad range of customers, increasing efficiency while minimizing costs.
  • Why CloudHesive? CloudHesive is an advanced software partner and can deploy Vormetric’s solutions on any provider whether it’s Amazon, IBM or Rackspace. CloudHesive partners with leading cloud providers and security companies like Vormetric to build highly secured and robust solutions. Providing managed services focused on the cloud allows for seamless deployment, without purchasing hardware.

Creating a cloud-based solution for a variety of enterprise organizations requires a robust solution that enables companies to safely deploy proper infrastructure. Without the right level of encryption, a system’s exposure to data breaches increases significantly. It’s crucial that organizations address security, risk reduction, data privacy and compliance before it’s too late. What steps have you taken to ensure your sensitive data is safe in the cloud?

For more information on CloudHesive’s solutions, please visit the website:

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