2021 Thales Cloud Security Study

The Challenges of Cloud Data Protection and Access Management in a Hybrid and Multicloud World

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated what has been a long-term broad adoption of cloud environments, including multicloud and hybrid deployments. Organizations need to extend and adapt their capabilities to take more control of their security efficiently and effectively in these new, dispersed environments, according to the 2021 Thales Cloud Security Study.

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Analysis from 451 Research, part of S&P Global Market Intelligence, based on a survey commissioned by Thales of more than 2,600 security professionals worldwide.  451 Research

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Multicloud is More than Mainstream

As more organizations adopt cloud-based environments, multicloud is now a reality.

Percentage of global organizations that have adopted multicloud:

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have more than 25 SaaS applications



have two or more PaaS providers



have two or more IaaS providers

Sensitive Data in the Cloud is at Risk

While a strong movement to the cloud is in progress, there are limited security controls in place for what is a new infrastructure element for most.

Percentage of organizations that are encrypting less than half of sensitive data in multicloud environments:

multicloud icon


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