After a competitive bidding process that lasted several months, the French Defence Procurement Agency (DGA) has awarded Thales as project leader and EADS Defence & Security (DS) as co-contractor with 40 percent workshare the contract to develop, manufacture and deploy INTRACED - the first intranet for the French Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces that complies with the 'Classified Defence' security classification. INTRACED is the first step towards the systematic use of secure intranets throughout the French Ministry of Defence and will give access to numerous applications.
Scheduled to enter operational service in 2008, the INTRACED information system will deliver the same services as a standard intranet but will also meet the specific requirements of French security classifications up to 'Classified Defence' level. It will allow secure access to messaging services, collaborative work tools, directories and a range of other applications.
INTRACED will be integrated and deployed in under a year to meet the requirements of more than 5,000 users at French MoD central departments and the Armed Forces. It will be operated by DIRISI, the MoD's joint forces infrastructure networks and information systems department. INTRACED will interconnect the Armed Forces with other systems deployed in remote theatres or as part of joint operations with NATO.
INTRACED will combine the latest developments in open-source software with high-level security solutions developed by Thales and EADS DS in partnership with the DGA.
The system will be approved for operation at the French 'Classified Defence' security level and is the first phase in the transition to secure intranets throughout the MoD. It will improve the efficiency of information exchange within the forces while maintaining the level of confidentiality required under current legislation.
Both, Thales and EADS DS have a long track record in highly secure information systems. This latest contract award further consolidates their leadership in information system security in France and internationally.