Latin America Edition

2024 Cloud Security Study

Boom Times for the Cloud:
Is Security Ready?

2024 Cloud Security Study - Global Edition

Explore the 2024 Cloud Security Study with new insights on the latest cloud security trends and challenges

The 2024 Thales Cloud Security Study is in its fourth consecutive year of research. This year’s study revisits the latest trends affecting cloud security. With 3,000 respondents from 18 countries across 37 industries, the report reflects the insights of individual contributors and managerial and executive levels within enterprises ranging from $100M USD to +2B USD in annual revenue/turnover. 

Along with its sister report, the Thales Global Data Threat Report, this 2024 Thales Cloud Security Study looks into aspects of cloud security and revisits the impact of a dynamically expanding and complex attack surface. Unprecedented demand for compute and a growing volume of data challenge priorities for achieving better, more secure cloud adoption. Fittingly, despite cloud workloads becoming increasingly short-lived, cloud computing has become a more permanent technology for enterprises. While workloads and new architectures in the cloud are increasingly modular and dynamic, the evolving demands they bring for operations and security are constant and increasing.

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Download the full global report and read more about 
the latest cloud security trends and challenges.

As the cloud attack surface expands, organizations must get a firm grasp on the data they have stored in the cloud, the keys they’re using to encrypt it, and the ability to have complete visibility into who is accessing the data and how it is being used."
Sebastien Cano Senior Vice President Cloud Protection & Licensing Thales
Sebastien Cano

Key Findings

Cloud resources have become the biggest targets

The leading targets in the cloud for attacks are all cloud-based:

• 31% prioritized SaaS applications
• 30% prioritized Cloud Storage
• 26% prioritized Cloud Management Infrastructure

SaaS Cloud icon

Human Error icon

Human action can compromise security

Fueling this concern is the high number of cloud data breaches,

with 44% of respondents reporting such an incident. 14% reported a breach in the past 12 months.

Investing in cloud security

The need to address cloud security is the highest priority (33%) for security spending.

Cloud Spending icon

Sensitive Cloud Data icon

Securing sensitive cloud data

On average, 47% of data in the cloud is sensitive –

yet cloud data encryption rates remain stubbornly low with less than 10% of enterprises claiming they have encrypted 80% or more of their cloud data.

Cloud, data and access: the top-ranked security priorities

Cloud security is a top priority – for now and in the future

65%  Nearly two-thirds of respondents identify it as a current concern. Even more (72%) say it is a future concern.

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Cloud DevOps icon

The impact of developer and operator experience

Among the challenges of incorporating security into DevOps for cloud,

secrets management is the top-cited issue at 56%

Global Edition

2024 Thales cloud security study

Boom Times for the Cloud:
Is Security Ready?

2024 Cloud Security Study
