Global Trust in Digital Services Declines
Thales announced the findings of its 2025 Digital Trust Index – Consumer Edition, revealing a universal decline in trust for digital services compared to this time last year. Across 13 different sectors, only insurance, banking and government saw either their trust level remain stagnant, or very slightly increase. When asked which sector they trusted with their personal data, not one sector reached above 50% approval. Thales surveyed over 14,000 consumers across 14 countries about their relationship with online brands and services, their privacy expectations, and how brands can earn their trust.
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Understanding How Digital Experiences Affect Consumer Trust.
Global trust in digital services is decreasing or remaining stagnant at best, even among highly regulated industries. One area that does not remain stagnant is the threat landscape. Consumers are more aware than ever before of online threats, and the consequences of their data falling into the wrong hands. As cyber threats evolve so does consumer scepticism, and brands must continuously adapt their security measures to stay ahead and rebuild confidence.”

Key Findings
Global Trust Index Ranking
Banking remains the Number One trusted sector,
at 44%
Government organizations are the only sector where trust increased compared to last year (42% vs 37%). News media is the least trusted media at 3%.
Consumer Demands for Data Privacy
More than four in five (86%) of consumers expect some level of data privacy rights
from the companies they interact with online. Over a third (37%) said that they only shared their personal data with an organization because it was the only way to access a product or service.
Too Much Onus on Consumers
Amidst growing concerns about data privacy,
63% believe that too much onus is placed on the consumer when it comes to data protection. Only 34% said it was because they trusted organizations to use this data sensibly.
Innovative and Advanced Technologies
Improving security
and data protection
64% of consumers indicated that their confidence in a brand would significantly increase if they adopted emerging or advanced technologies that improves security and data protection.
Trust has to be Earned
Organizations must protect customer data and offer a good customer experience.
However, 19% of consumers have been informed that their personal data has been compromised in the past year.
Brands Need Bot Protection Strategies
Bots can ruin brand reputation
One in every three (33%) consumers voiced frustration with ecommerce, directly caused by bad bots manipulating the customer purchasing process and ruining the customer experience.