Kick-start your Post‑Quantum Readiness

with the Thales PQC Starter Kits

Prepare today for a quantum tomorrow

Industry regulations are right around the corner to ensure our digital infrastructure stay secure in the Post-Quantum era. That’s because experts agree: It’s not a matter of “if” quantum computers will break traditional encryption, it’s when. These risks, combined with Harvest Now, Decrypt Later attacks mean that organizations can no longer wait and see – it’s time to act now and prepare to transform your cryptography.

Getting an organization ready for Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) is a process that will take significant time, usually 2 to 5 years. The larger the organization, the more complex the process will be, especially with digital transformation across cloud, hybrid, and on-premises environments.

Practicing crypto agility now will help your organization evolve and avoid expensive security retrofitting in the future when quantum computing is more established.

How to get started?

Many organizations are not sure how to begin their PQC transformation. It can seem overwhelming on where to start such a significant changeover.

The Thales PQC Starter Kits are the perfect first step to take.

Each kit is a low-cost solution that sets up a test environment in your lab to simulate running your current applications, data, networking requirements etc. with Post-Quantum Cryptography to identify any difficulties you may encounter in your PQC transformation.

Through testing, organizations can set up a plan of action to ensure operations will continue to run smoothly as quantum resistant algorithms evolve and help to ensure compliance with upcoming regulations.

Thales PQC Starter Kits will help you prepare for quantum today

Hardware Security Module (HSM) Starter Kit

For testing critical security use cases such as PKI, code-signing, TLS, VPN, and IoT, the PQC HSM Starter Kit using the marketing-leading Luna HSMs will enable businesses to test quantum-hardened PQC-ready encryption keys and understand the implications and impacts this will have on the backbone of your organization.

Luna HSM

High Speed Encryptor (HSE) Starter Kit

For testing your network applications, the PQC HSE Starter Kit for network encryption protects your data-in-motion today and into a Quantum-ready future inside a crypto-agile, FPGA-based architecture. While you accelerate the process of testing quantum-resilient network encryption in a safe environment, you can also use the HSE in standard production environments after testing.