What is a Software Service Level Agreement (SLA)?
A software service level agreement (SLA) is a software licensing agreement that lays out the guidelines, measures, and level of service you can expect from a vendor. It often includes how long it will take for you to get service if something goes wrong so that both the vendor and the customer understand the timeline for fixes. This document is a crucial component of any software licensing vendor contract.
What are SLA Security Requirements?
SLA security requirements are one component often included in an SLA to protect the vendor and all parties involved. The SLA security requirements components are particularly important for cloud-based software, as they identify shared demands that ensure both the vendor and the customer’s security needs are met.

Mayores Ingresos, Clientes Más Satisfechos Parte 2
Vivimos en un mundo centrado en los clientes y orientado al software y losservicios. En la actualidad los clientes son uno de los principales factores queimpulsan la toma de decisiones, y estos esperan cada vez más recibir accesoinmediato a los bienes y servicios y contar con...