
Thales Partners

PKWare Technology


PKWARE encrypts data from the moment it’s created—even before it hits the hard drive. This unique approach to encryption recognizes that data is everywhere—and protects it. PKWARE secures data wherever it lives,throughout the data lifecycle—giving you the confidence that your data will besafe wherever it is used, shared, or stored. For enhanced security, PKWare’s Smartcrypt Platform effectively integrates with Thales KeySecure, a file and disk encryption solution that protects data and digital keys. PKWARE’s Smartcrypt Platform delivers persistent data protection without many of the tradeoffs that have prevented organizations from adopting strong encryption. Because the data is encrypted as soon as it’s created—no matter what operation system or platform it’s on—data can be protected across all major enterprise computing platforms, including mainframe systems running z/OS.


PKWARE Smart Encyption Platform for zOS: Key Management with Thales KeySecure

PKWARE Smartcrypt Platform for z/OS offers organizations a mainframe encryption solution to secure their sensitive data. Smartcrypt for z/OS is flexible; customers can embed encryption directly into their applications, or secure mainframe databases with field-level, length-preserving encryption. In any of its deployment scenarios, end-users see no change to their experience while organizations escape needing significant changes to their underlying infrastructure. As a bonus, the ability to compress data reduces strains on bandwidth and allows customers to derive greater return on storage investments.

Thales KeySecure encryption and key management appliance secures and centralizes the administration of Smartcrypt’s keys and certificates. Consolidating policy and key management simplifies administration to reduce the risk of errors and blind spots, while also freeing time for personnel to tackle other tasks. It makes key surveillance, rotation, and deletion easier which improves security.

Additional Information and Resources

PKWARE Smart Encryption Platform for z/OS with Thales KeySecure Solution Brief


PKZip File and Disk Encryption embedded PKWare PKZip: File and Disk Encryption with KeySecure PKZIP compresses and extracts files to greatly reduce required storage space and transmission times. Using the ZIP standard allows users to exchange data across all major computing platforms more concisely and effectively. As large amounts of data are exchanged this way, security is paramount. As part of their security solution, PKWare’s PKZIP incorporates Thales KeySecure into its platform. Thales KeySecure is a KMIP-compatible Enterprise Key Management solution where keys can be stored and managed from a single, centralized platform. With KeySecure, available as physical or virtual appliance options, data at rest is protected by using a single, centralized key management platform that can manage multiple encryption appliances and their associated keys.


SecureZIP File and Disk Encryption embedded SecureZIP: File and Disk Encryption with Thales Authentication Client

SecureZIP combines ZIP compression and strong crypto to deliver a Smart Encryption security solution. It allows IT administrators to enforce security policies and ensure data availability to your organization. It helps address your daily data security challenges, including protecting sensitive data, meeting compliance requirements and reducing overall costs and operational overhead.

Thales Authentication Client (SAC) is a PKI middleware application that provides a secure method for exchanging information based on public-key cryptography, enabling trusted third-party verification of user identities.  

Resources and Additional Information

SAC Using CBA for SecureZIP