
Thales Partners

EFTlab Technology


EFTLab offer a variety of Breakthrough Payments (BP) solutions which includes it’s certified PA DSS payment switching platform BP-Node which can be deployed in virtually any environment. This bundled with EFTLab’s payment testing suite BP-Sim and flexible middleware options mean clients can quickly deploy a scalable processing platform, all of which are customisable to meet the needs of each individual company.

109 Brighton Road, Sandgate Brisbane 4017

Phone: +61 421 088 162


EFTLab BP-Node and Thales payShield 10k

Using Thales payShield 10k devices with EFTLab BP-Node combines the best of the two worlds: cutting edge technology, security and compliancy using the market leader payment HSM with a PA-DSS certified high availability solution to provide uniform and always available cryptographic service for the customers infrastructure.

Thales payShield 10k HSMs are integrated to the switch ecosystem forming a high availability virtual HSM pool through the advanced HSM Load Balancer. The HSM Load Balancer offers advanced features like retrieving the proper keys necessary for command execution from the BP-Node Key Store based on the target HSM identity.

Solution Key Features and Benefits

  • Modern cross-platform technology supporting virtualization and full remote access: browser-based GUI for all configuration and operational tasks, currently available for Linux and Windows
  • System Oriented Architecture performing agnostic message processing
  • Horizontally and vertically scalable, the solution grows with the customers business
  • PA-DSS 3.2 certified on several Linux distributions. Next audit will be performed in conformity with the Secure Software Framework requirements of the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC)

Resources and Additional Information


Omnichannel Payments Switch Secured with Thales payShield 10K HSMs - Solution Brief