
Thales Partners

IDQ logo OEM Gold

ID Quantique SA

ID Quantique (IDQ) is the world leader in quantum-safe crypto solutions, designed to protect data for the long-term future. The company provides quantum-safe network encryption, secure quantum key generation and quantum key distribution solutions and services to the financial industry, enterprises and government organisations globally. IDQ also commercializes a quantum random number generator, which is the reference in the security, simulation and gaming industries.
Chemin de la Marbrerie 3, CH-1227 Carouge
+41 22 301 83 71



Quantun-random Key Protection with Thales Luna HSMs and IDQ

Security conscious organizations rely on strong, unique, random encryption key generation together with FIPS 140-2-validated hardware root of trust protection in order to ensure their entire security foundation remains secure.



High-Assurance Key Protection Backed by Quantum Randomness - Solution Brief

High-Speed Multilink Encryptors with IDQ

An international bank needed to upgrade its Wide Area Network (WAN) encryption solution to enable secure and instant access to customer data from any of its 30+ locations on three continents. The bank implemented Thales High-Speed Encryptors, providing it with the high-performance security needed to maintain compliance, ensure client privacy, and gain real-time access to sensitive data.


Case Study: International Bank chooses Thales High Speed Multilink Encryptors to Protect Global WAN



Thales HSE ETSI Integration with IDQ Cerberis3 - Integration Guide