ZoneZero SDP enables organizations to provide secure and transparent access to on-prem applications, services, and data. Patented reverse-access technology eliminates the need to open incoming ports in your organization’s firewall for seamless, effective, and secure operations.
SafeNet Trusted Access (STA) integrates with Safe-T ZoneZero to allow businesses to securely scale up to support a remote workforce and suppliers, and access applications and data in the cloud and on premises.
Scale securely in the cloud - Access Management enables you to expand with the confidence you are secure. Protect all cloud apps with centralized policies and a range of authentication methods.
Security at the access point - STA enforces access policies and the appropriate level of authentication to assess human users, applications, APIs and connected devices accessing Safe-T ZoneZero, protecting businesses from unauthorized access and reducing the risk of a data breach.
Solution Brief: SafeNet Trusted Access and Safe-T ZTNA Solution
SafeNet Trusted Access and Safe-T ZTNA Solution on the Safe-T Resources Center