
Thales Partners



Vblock™ Systems from VCE represent the next evolution of IT—one that unleashes simplicity by delivering the extraordinary efficiency and business agility of virtualization and cloud computing. Seamlessly integrating best-in-class compute, network, and storage technologies from industry leaders Cisco, EMC, and VMware, Vblock Systems provide dynamic pools of resources that can be intelligently provisioned and managed to address changing demands and fleeting business opportunities.  VCE delivers a true converged infrastructure, leveraging Cisco compute and network technology, EMC storage and data protection, and VMware virtualization and management.  1500 N. Greenville Ave., Ste. 1100 Richardson Texas United States North Americas 75081 855-200-8006


VCE Vblock

Vblock™ Systems from VCE integrate the best-in-class compute, network, and storage technologies from industry leaders Cisco, EMC, and VMware to provide dynamic resources that enterprises use to intelligently provision and manage today’s changing demands and fleeting business opportunities. The expanded Vblock Systems portfolio is built on a single, highly secure, standardized, market-leading infrastructure. The systems can be quickly deployed, easily distributed, and counted on to increase the predictability and timeliness of IT projects for solution providers and end-users. To bring in additional security,

VCE works with SafeNet ProtectV for Cloud and Virtual Data Protection, which enables organizations to protect their sensitive business critical virtual assets on the Vblock infrastructure from theft and exposure. ProtectV enables organizations to unify encryption and control access across virtualized and cloud environments, which provides enterprises with a comprehensive high-assurance solution for securing data in their Vblock-powered virtual data center. This gives organizations the freedom to migrate to virtual environments while maintaining full ownership, compliance and control of their data.

Resources & Additional Information

ProtectV™ – Virtual Machine & Cloud Data Protectio