Case Study

Eneco Spearheads Digitalisation with State of the Art CIAM Solution

Eneco Spearheads Digitalisation with State of the art CIAM solution

The objective

Eneco is one of Europe’s most innovative technology companies, providing a smart home platform to energy providers to help them integrate energy delivery and smart home technology for their customers. The company is on a gamechanging mission: to offer a service that helps people manage their energy supply needs in a simple, automated way. Using Eneco’s smart Toon device, which is more than a thermostat, consumers are in full control of their energy consumption. The device allows them to save energy and contribute to a better and greener environment, while lowering their monthly costs. Starting from the Netherlands, Eneco has rapidly conquered markets in Belgium and Spain.


Consumers & things

3 +


3 +


100 %

100% Cloud strategy

The challenge

Eneco struggled to enhance their customer experience at scale, since registering consumers was very much a manual process. After making an appointment, a qualified installer had to make a home visit to manually install their Toon device and connect it to the consumer’s energy provider. This process was very time-consuming and not customer friendly. Furthermore, all customer identity data was stored and managed on different systems and servers, creating additional inefficiencies for the company.


To set up a future-proof digital IT infrastructure that would help streamline IT processes, increase customer satisfaction, boost scalability and lower costs, meant that Eneco needed to take the next step towards digitalisation. In other words, the company needed to launch a state-of-the-art identity and access management solution that would provide maximum data security while being customer friendly, frictionless and easy to use. Building such a solution in house was not an option for Eneco, who decided to outsource this project. 

What Eneco was searching for was an industry leading CIAM solution that would help them enable a multi-branding, multi-country commercial strategy with the flexibility to support different identity management models per energy provider. The ideal candidate would need to offer: 

  • Support of standard protocols 
  • API-ready capability 
  • Device-to-cloud connectivity 
  • The ability to store data in European data centres. Eneco specifically insisted the data of their customers should not leave Europe at all costs.

The solution

Thales, with their powerful identity management features that can support frictionless access for multiple identities in multiple countries, along with their strong multi-branding capabilities, proved to be a logical choice for Eneco. 

After implementing Thales, Eneco’s registration process transitioned from a manual installation procedure to a self-service process that is managed directly by the consumers. Eneco, together with the energy providers they partner with are now able to minimise time consuming registration activities - and consumers can benefit from a seamless and easy installation process.


With the help of Thales, Eneco also managed to roll out one platform for all the collaborating energy providers which are located in different countries – and succeeded at the same time to connect their Toon device to customer identities. This capability facilitates Eneco’s ambitions to become the provider-of-choice for energy companies across Europe and their customers when it comes to Toon related services.

The Thales OneWelcome Identity Platform’s innovative, cloud based CIAM solution enabled Eneco to significantly scale up its activities across multiple European countries. Now Eneco can offer next level services, allowing millions of consumers to include smart home products and insights into their energy usage.

About Eneco

Eneco is one of Europe’s most innovative technology companies, providing a smart home platform to energy providers to help them integrate energy delivery and smart home technology for their customers. The company is on a game-changing mission: to offer a service that helps people manage their energy supply needs in a simple, automated way. Starting from the Netherlands, Eneco as rapidly conquered markets in Belgium and Spain.


© Thales - December 2023