Best practices for layer 2 network encryption in the public and private sector- Webinars

Best practices for layer 2 network encryption in the public and private sector - Webinar

Whether you are a government, military or commercial organization, you need to ensure that your data is encrypted in transit.

As corporate and government espionage intensifies, with high profile fibre tapping cases, such as UK’s GCHQ extensive fibre tapping becoming public news, encryption of data in transit is essential. Cyber-threats to data in motion are real and occurring constantly. By protecting the data itself with encryption you render it useless to a 3rd party, but can it keep up with your network?

Data network growth, increasingly sensitive data and bandwidth demands are creating a shift to the more efficient encryption of sensitive traffic at Layer 2. Layer 2 affords secure encryption that is up to 50% more efficient than competing technologies such as IPsec with little or no impact on network performance.

Join your fellow professionals for a best practice session to understand how these triple certified encryptors, CAPS, FIPS and Common Criteria certified solutions can be used on a Layer 2 network to protect data in motion for government and military organizations, as well as financial and other commercial enterprises. Specifically CAPS provides assurance for the UK government, its agencies and commercial enterprises working with the government.

With proven reliability, high throughput, and low latency, SafeNet network encryption devices ensure security and certified assurance across Layer 2 networks.

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