CipherTrust Data Discovery & Classification - Solution Brief

CipherTrust Data Discovery & Classification - Solution Brief

The rapid, often exponential, growth of data year-on-year in organizations like yours makes effective data management an extremely challenging proposition. An increasing switch to remote working raises the bar even higher with many data storage areas or volumes coming into play which are outside your IT team’s direct control.

As part of the broader group within your organization responsible for data privacy and security compliance, ensuring no vulnerable areas are overlooked whenimplementing your data protection strategy is of paramount importance. After all, a data breach will inevitably cause severe business disruption in addition to large fines incurred for non-compliance with the seemingly endless stream of new or enhanced data privacy laws and regulations. Failing to prepare properly is definitely not a viable option for you.

Historically staff knowledge was sufficient and simple ‘off-the-shelf’ encryption methods from database vendors would satisfy needs – no longer with the vast data footprint that is widely dispersed and growing by the second. You inevitably need assistance to take control and keep your organization safe.
