Case Study

Edilclima Protects their Software IP from Piracy and Safeguards Against Unlicensed Usage

Building Designer Edilclima Protects Software, Migrates to Cloud Licensing with Thales’ Sentinel


Building Designer Edilclima Protects Software, Migrates to Cloud Licensing with Thales’ Sentinel - Case Study

From Homegrown Manual to Sentinel Automated

Edilclima produces sustainable design software solutions to arrange the power, acoustics, and fire prevention for new buildings, harnessing Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Computer-Aided Design (CAD). Edilclima wanted to protect their software IP from piracy and safeguard against unlicensed usage. To do so, they searched for a reputable, secure software licensing platform and found Thales’ Sentinel met these needs. 

Edilclima uses Sentinel for top-notch security and IP protection, offering flexible hardware and software-based licensing solutions. Beyond offering hardware, software, and cloud licensing, Edilclima also plans to leverage Sentinel to expand into different business models. Specifically, they are looking to use Sentinel EMS, the Entitlement Management System, to implement flexible packaging plans to diversify their offering. In doing so, they will appeal to a wider variety of markets while offering licensing backed by world-renowned Thales’ security. 

Having worked with Thales for nearly two decades, Thales was Edilclima’s natural choice for moving licensing fully to the cloud. “We continually trust Thales’ Sentinel security and appreciate their ability to offer different licensing delivery options as well as a variety of business plan models,” concluded Valeggia.