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Kroll Report Shows Financial Services Hardest Hit
Kroll Report Shows Financial Services Hardest Hit

The recent Kroll Global Fraud Report highlights that for the first time, theft of information and…

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Can A Fence Around The House Prevent Your Guests Stealing The Family Silver?
Can A Fence Around The House Prevent Your Guests Stealing The Family Silver?

As a risk manager or security professional, what’s your reaction to the recent Kroll Global Fraud…

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No Big Bang In PCI 2.0

As expected, PCI 2.0 rolls up a number of minor changes, but there really is no Big Bang in this document. A number of people have been disappointed by this since for the past…

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Contactless Payments On The Mobile - What Is The Standard?

One of the things needed for the market for mobile contactless payments to take off is a set of specifications financial services providers, MNOs and SIM/UICC and other vendors…

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New PCI DSS Guidelines: Point To Point Encryption

The PCI Council has just announced its guidelines on P2P encryption…

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KMIP Comes True
KMIP Comes True

Today is an auspicious day in the world of Enterprise Key Management: voting is about to complete on V1.0 of the OASIS Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) standard…

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