What is SaaS Licensing?
SaaS licensing is a type of licensing model that allows for software to be licensed using a subscription-based model, while also being centrally hosted. Subscription-based business models allow companies to pay for software in different ways, whether usage-based, time-based, per user, or using other metrics.
See also Saas Pricing Models

Software Packaging and Pricing Strategies for the Cloud - White Paper
Lucrative Pricing and Packaging Strategies for the Cloud Today, Tomorrow, and Beyond Software pricing and packaging is an art form regardless of whether it’s delivered as a service or as physical on premise software. There is also a lot of science involved. This paper...

De qué manera Eocortex redujo los costos y mejoró la experiencia del usuario con Sentinel - Case Study
Las soluciones de seguridad innovadoras y personalizables de Eocortex incluyen algunas de las características más avanzadas del mercado global de video vigilancia. El software desarrollado por Eocortex tiene la capacidad de reconocer rostros, monitorear y contar multitudes,...