Personal Data Protection (PDP) Law of Indonesia
Thales helps organizations to achieve compliance with key provisions of Personal Data Protection Law requirements.
The Personal Data Protection (PDP) Bill was passed and become law on October 17, 2022 in Indonesia. PDP Law is the first comprehensive law in Indonesia to govern personal data protection in both electronic and non-electronic systems. It signifies the development of policies on personal data protection and confidentiality and strengthens the protection of the right to privacy.
Thales can help your organizations to comply with the key provisions of Personal Data Protection Law requirements.
Regulation Overview
Indonesia Personal Data Protection (PDP) Law has 76 articles across 16 chapters, these articles and chapters extensively cover data ownership rights, and prohibitions on data use, along with the collection, storage, processing, and transfer of personal data of Indonesian users. It also introduces new concepts, including the requirement for both prior and post notifications to the regulator on cross-border personal data transfers. The new law goes further by introducing criminal sanctions for personal data breaches.
Some of the key provisions of the PDP Law require an organization to take note and comply.
Thales can help organizations to achieve compliance with Personal Data Protection Law requirements with a Data-centric Security approach and Strong Authentication and Access Management.
Data-Centric Security Approach
The CipherTrust Data Security Platform is an integrated suite of data-centric security products and solutions that unify data discovery, protection, and control in one platform.
Strong access management and authentication
Thales Access Management and Authentication solutions provide both the security mechanisms and reporting capabilities organizations need to comply with data security regulations. Our solutions protect sensitive data by enforcing the appropriate access controls when users log into applications that store sensitive data. By supporting a broad range of authentication methods and policy driven role-based access, our solutions help enterprises mitigate the risk of data breach due to compromised or stolen credentials or through insider credential abuse. Support for smart single sign on and step-up authentication allows organizations to optimize convenience for end users, ensuring they only need to authenticate when needed. Extensive reporting allows businesses to produce a detailed audit trail of all access and authentication events, ensuring they can prove compliance with a broad range of regulations.
Indonesia passed its first Personal Data Protection (PDP) Law in 2022. The PDP Law is an effort to enhance the existing regulatory framework on personal data protection, it signifies the development of policies on personal data protection and confidentiality and strengthens...
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