Using_SAC_CBA_for_Cisco_AnyConnect - Integration Guide

SafeNet Authentication Client Using SafeNet Authentication Client CBA for Cisco AnyConnect - Integration Guide

Remote access poses both a security and a compliance challenge to IT organizations. The ability to positively identify users (often remote users) requesting access to resources is a critical consideration in achieving a secure remote access solution. Deploying remote access solution without strong authentication is like putting your sensitive data in a vault (the datacenter), and leaving the key (user password) under the door mat.

The integration environment used in this document is based on the following software versions:

  • SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC) - 10.5
  • Cisco AnyConnect - 4.5.02033
  • Cisco ASA 5505 version 9.2.(4)
  • Cisco ASDM 7.6 (1)