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Five key factors to include in your Identity Management strategy

October 6, 2023

Haider Iqbal Haider Iqbal | Director of Product Marketing More About This Author >

Nearly 90% of online users today say they will never return to a website after just one bad experience. The right Identity Management approach signals to your customers that you take their privacy and protection seriously. Identity Management is the first step in creating a sense of security and having a user experience that keeps users returning to you for more.

The need for convenience and personalized service

Modern Identity Management solutions not only instill a feeling of trust but improve the customer experience with convenient, easy-to-use features. Self-service consent options as well as user-friendly login options, such as biometric login or seamless anti-fraud verification features, are examples of these.

Five key Identity Management factors to consider

To optimize your user-centric Identity Management strategy, here are 5 key factors to keep in mind:

1. Frictionless user experience

The key to customer engagement is a frictionless user experience. This includes making it easy for users to log in to their accounts. It is critical, for example, to use an IAM solution that allows customers to combine multiple social logins into a single user profile. If a customer previously logged in with a password and now attempts to log in with their Apple ID for examples, the software automatically links them into one entity.

Every time a user logs in, the IAM solution recognizes them and provides them with a personalized experience based on their user preferences.

2. Scalability

The ideal Identity Management solution scales to market demands while ensuring zero downtime, capable of growing alongside your customer base. As new users are onboarded, you want to be sure that your system keeps working at full capacity. The identity framework within your IAM solution should let you store, retrieve, and modify data seamlessly with no loss of functionality or time.

3. Robust security

Your IAM can only offer a competitive advantage if it ensures maximum security for your company and its users. Passwords are responsible for 80% of hacking-related breaches. When compared to traditional password credentials, businesses can achieve much more secure environments by utilising cutting-edge authentication methods such as passwordless authentication.

Passwordless logins improve the user experience as well. Instead of having to remember multiple passwords (38 on average), customers can effortlessly and easily log into a secure environment by simply showing their face or touching a fingerprint sensor.

It’s important to remember that such processes call for effective verification of identities during onboarding (identity proofing) and delegation of the right access to the right people at the right times (authorisation).

4. Extensibility

Your IAM must be able to integrate seamlessly with your organization’s existing technology stack, and adaptable enough to accommodate future customisations. This means you should be able to custom technologies as extensions. An IAM that relies on identity fabrics, for example, can integrate various technologies and extensions based on a set of standards, providing your organisation the extensibility it requires.

An extensible IAM enables you to connect multiple systems that normally would not be able to talk to each other. For instance, anyone who registers in your app or on your website can be automatically entered in your CRM. This also enables your IAM to capture valuable metrics and identify potentially suspicious behaviour.

5. Compliance & regulatory policies

Businesses need to build unified, data-rich user profiles. These profiles must be secure, meet compliance and privacy requirements and provide a personalized user experience. This is where cloud-based CIAM solutions come in, particularly those that are attested by independent third parties and meeting security standards like SOC Type 2 and ISO 27001.

Providing your customers with the right user experience

By considering these factors in your IAM strategy, you are well on your way towards meeting your customers’ demands for a convenient, personalized experience. Even more, you offer them the security that it takes to gain their trust. This is the basis for building lasting relationships with them.

Would you like to learn more about developing a successful IAM strategy for your organisation? Get in touch with us for free in-depth advice.