B2B IAM in Agricultural Machinery: Building a Seamless and Secure Future for Manufacturers

September 10, 2024

Serv Brouns Serv Brouns | IAM Acceleration Manager More About This Author >

As global food demand continues to rise, agricultural machinery manufacturers face growing pressure to modernise and adopt sustainable practices. With an agile B2B identity and access management (IAM) platform in place, not only can manufacturers secure and streamline their digital interactions, but they also position themselves at the forefront of innovation.

This reduces risks but also transforms how they collaborate with partners, suppliers, farm organizations and research institutions. B2B IAM creates a dynamic and interconnected network that drives progress and accelerates the development of solutions needed to tackle the industry's most pressing challenges.

Foster seamless collaboration with a robust B2B network

Having an IAM solution in place empowers agricultural machinery manufacturers to connect their extensive B2B network in a centralized, cloud-based ecosystem, which fosters collaboration, scalability and continuous improvement across the entire business network. Manufacturers can securely define roles and delegate access management tasks to external partners so they can manage their own teams, too. This way, everyone in the business network, no matter the device, channel or level of technical knowledge, can log in and communicate through the same portals.

This connectivity not only simplifies keeping up with the latest industry trends – it also allows manufacturers to engage directly the key partners like research institutes, farm organisations, and business partners, seamlessly. Companies can expand their reach to a globalised audience as the technology helps break down geographic barriers and participate in conversations and collaborations that were once considered out of reach.

By building a network of like-minded people, agricultural machinery manufacturers can drive innovation and collective growth in an increasingly interconnected global marketplace.

Keep up with industry trends and regulations in a globalised, digitalised world

With a robust and centralised IAM solution in place, organisations can leverage the data collected to identify market gaps, optimise product offerings, and predict industry trends like the renting and sharing model. Not only does this empower manufacturers to drive innovation and enhance operations, but also identify opportunities for growth and refine their offerings, all while promoting sustainability practices by increasing resource use and reducing waste.

B2B IAM solutions also enables agricultural machinery organisations to safeguard their business and their distribution network against potential threats, without compromising the user experience. By integrating data-driven capabilities like automated policy enforcement, real-time monitoring, and detailed audit trails, compliance with intricate privacy laws like GDPR and ISO27001 becomes easier to handle, too.

Manufacturers can further boost their security posture and optimize access to their systems and applications with advanced authentication features like Single Sign-On (SSO) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) -- which are requirements that have been specified by the latest regulation standards. These methods help ensure that only verified users can access critical systems, preventing fraud and maintaining your company’s integrity.

Embrace digitalisation and achieve sustainability goals

Meet sustainability goals by reducing energy consumption through automation and transitioning to cloud-based systems, which fast-tracks the modernisation of legacy IT systems. By digitalising processes, manufacturers can reduce paper usage and streamline user onboarding, eliminating the need for paper trails.

In addition, effective IAM solutions like the Thales OneWelcome Identity Platform includes lifecycle management for digital identities, ensuring that unused or outdated accounts and access rights are promptly revoked, reducing unnecessary resource consumption. This also helps reduce data pollution, contributing to a more sustainable operation. Comply with the latest regulations by providing better control over access to data and systems, reducing the risk of environmental incidents and avoiding costly fines.


It is now more important than ever for agricultural machinery manufacturers to have an intuitive and efficient digital strategy given the world's expanding population and food scarcity issues. Digital tools help manufacturers align with partners on environmental goals and ensure they are equipped to withstand disruptions in an increasingly volatile market.

Embracing B2B IAM technology is essential for staying competitive and spearheading the transition toward a sustainable future. Explore how integrating B2B IAM into your digital strategy can streamline your operations, enhance collaboration, and drive innovation to meet the demands of a growing global community here.