
Thales Blog

Thales Thales | Cloud Protection & Licensing Solutions
How the IoT Is Transforming the Insurance Industry
How The IoT Is Transforming The Insurance Industry

In a world undergoing digital transformation, everything is connecting. In February of this year,… Read More

Building Trust in Cloud Environments
Building Trust In Cloud Environments

In this day and age, I feel almost embarrassed to write about cloud as though it’s somehow special or different, or even deserving of… Read More

Jump start your data protection for GDPR
Jump Start Your Data Protection For GDPR

The journey to GDPR compliance is certainly not going to be without its challenges – as highlighted in my last few blog posts. But once… Read More

Time to take stock – are you ready for the GDPR?
Time To Take Stock – Are You Ready For The GDPR?

Organisations around the world are working hard to ensure that they’ll be able to comply with the EU GDPR when it comes into force next… Read More

GDPR: It’s All About Location, Location, Location
GDPR: It’s All About Location, Location, Location

In my previous blog, I gave you a very brief overview of the GDPR to… Read More

The GDPR is coming – it’s time to get educated
The GDPR Is Coming – It’s Time To Get Educated

It’s impossible to avoid talk of the EU GDPR right now, and with less than a year to go until it comes into effect, it’s crucial that… Read More