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Chip And PIN Gains Momentum In The U.S.
Chip And PIN Gains Momentum In The U.S.

Thales has previously noted in this blog as well as in the media about the US lagging behind the majority of the rest of the…

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PKI Is Dead. Again. Apparently.

Over the past few weeks, we’ve seen a few blows to some of the world’s larger certificate based security systems. The noise still hadn’t settled around stuxnet, with its stolen…

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Using AES And Triple DES In End-To-End Encryption To Protect Cardholder Data- A New Standard
Using AES And Triple DES In End-To-End Encryption To Protect Cardholder Data- A New Standard

In order to make compliance with PCI DSS requirement 3, “Protect stored cardholder” data and requirement 4, “Encrypt transmission of cardholder data across open, public…

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Why Can’t I Remotely Manage My HSMs Like I Remotely Manage My Servers?
Why Can’t I Remotely Manage My HSMs Like I Remotely Manage My Servers?

It’s not only good security practice, it’s common sense that you don’t want any Tom, Dick or Harry (or Eve or Mallory) to be able to change keys or update software on your…

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PCI DSS Recognised As Contributing Factor To Shrinking UK Card Fraud
PCI DSS Recognised As Contributing Factor To Shrinking UK Card Fraud

The latest card fraud stats from the UK Cards Association show some good news for 2010. Fraud…

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Advanced Persistent Threat
Advanced Persistent Threat

This is how RSA Security described the infiltration that lead to the now-famous attack which “reduce[d] the effective security of [SecurID]”. Having read the releases,…

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