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Cloud Protection & Licensing Blog

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Intellectual Property Wars: State Sponsored Cybercrime

It is often easy to categorize data thieves as individual criminals seeking to steal personally identifiable information in order to commit financial or identity fraud. Lately…

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No Skeleton Key – Protecting Your Organisation On The Web
No Skeleton Key – Protecting Your Organisation On The Web

Weaknesses in the SSL protocol (the protocol for encrypting information over the internet) or the public certificate authority (CA) ecosystem that underpin it have received a…

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HIPAA Breaches Reveal Data Security Gaps

In February, the Health Information Security/Privacy…

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Data Breach Notification And Encryption

The increasingly connected world in which we live and work provides significant convenience. Both work and leisure activities have benefited greatly from advances in technology…

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Intellectual Property Thieves Love Regulation

The title of this blog is intended to foster debate and controversy but it is hard to dispute the idea. Over the past 10 years…

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Visa EMV Means Off Line Chip And PIN
Visa EMV Means Off Line Chip And PIN

There were reports earlier this week headlined “Visa: EMV move doesn’t mean Chip and PIN…

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