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Key Management Strategies In The Cloud Part 4:Treat Your Cryptographic Keys As More Than Just Data
Key Management Strategies In The Cloud Part 4:Treat Your Cryptographic Keys As More Than Just Data

As the final in a series of posts on key management in the Cloud, following are the remaining three possible strategies that organisations could look to adopt when thinking…

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Key Management Strategies in the Cloud Part 3: Trust Everyone, Trust No-one or Trust Someone
Key Management Strategies in the Cloud Part 3: Trust Everyone, Trust No-one or Trust Someone

Having outlined yesterday the need to take an information-centric approach to key management in the cloud, today I would like to share the first half of a series of six…

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Key Management Strategies In The Cloud Part 2 How Might We Better Think About Key Management In The Cloud?
Key Management Strategies In The Cloud Part 2 How Might We Better Think About Key Management In The Cloud?

As outlined in my last post, crypto and key management clearly have a lot to offer in terms of the Cloud, but in a bid to get ahead sometimes important details get overlooked.…

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Key Management Strategies In The Cloud Part 1: Are We Thinking About Key Management In The Cloud In The Right Way?
Key Management Strategies In The Cloud Part 1: Are We Thinking About Key Management In The Cloud In The Right Way?

There is a lot of talk in certain circles at the moment about key management in distributed on-demand computing environments (aka ‘the Cloud’), but much of this seems too…

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Mandatory Data Breach Notification Requirement To Come Into Force Across The EU For All Sectors
Mandatory Data Breach Notification Requirement To Come Into Force Across The EU For All Sectors

The Vice-President of the European Commission and EU Justice Commissioner, Vivien Reding, has…

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RSA To Replace All SecurID Tokens In The Field
RSA To Replace All SecurID Tokens In The Field

RSA have finally broken their silence over the extent of the SecurID breach and the implications are not good. When I last wrote about this breach, RSA were…

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