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Stop Ransomware in its Tracks with Strong Data Security
Charles Goldberg
Stop Ransomware in its Tracks with Strong Data Security

Ransomware attacks are crippling cities and businesses. Last year alone saw a 41…

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How Zero Trust, Threat Intelligence, MFA & Incident Response Can Help Build Digital Resilience
Tina Stewart
How Zero Trust, Threat Intelligence, MFA & Incident Response Can Help Build Digital Resilience

Organizations are focused on strengthening their resilience against digital threats. This is especially critical now as we see…

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Survey: 80% of Drivers Didn’t Remove Data from Cars Before Selling Them
Chris Harris
Survey: 80% of Drivers Didn’t Remove Data from Cars Before Selling Them

A survey found that nearly four-fifths of drivers had failed to remove their data from their vehicles before selling them. In a study involving over 14,000 drivers who…

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Navigating The Ever-evolving Data Protection Regulatory Landscape
Rana Gupta
Navigating The Ever-evolving Data Protection Regulatory Landscape

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered the way businesses operate and how people interact with each other. As the virus has forced many companies across the globe to embrace work-…

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Black Hat: The Show Must Go On
Charles Goldberg
Black Hat: The Show Must Go On

It’s hard to write a blog about an industry event without including a cliché about “unprecedented times”, “new normal” or a “are you crazy yet from staying at home?” but I will…

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Lack of Clarity Hindering Application of GDPR, Finds Brussels Report
Gary Marsden
Lack of Clarity Hindering Application of GDPR, Finds Brussels Report

A Brussels report found that a lack of clarity and other challenges were complicating the task of implementing the GDPR. My colleagues and I have been considering some…

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