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CyberArk를 위한 온디맨드 HSM

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CyberArk용 Luna Cloud HSM은 HSM에서 CyberArk Privileged Access Security Solution의 최상위 암호화 키에 대한 신뢰 루트를 제공합니다.

HSM on Demand for CyberArk

CyberArk를 위한 온디맨드 HSM은 서버 키를 생성·저장하고, 개인 키를 보호하며, 강력한 엔트로피를 제공하여 CyberArk Privileged Access Security Solution 시스템 키를 위한 키를 생성합니다.

CyberArk를 위한 온디맨드 HSM을 함께 이용하면, 볼트 내에서 사용하는 마스터키를 보호하고 보안 환경에서 호스팅할 수 있습니다. CyberArk를 위한 온디맨드 HSM은 안전한 볼트 안에서 마스터키를 보호하여 마스터키가 노출되거나 손상될 위험을 완화합니다.

주요 특징

  • 신중하게 설계된 암호화 경계 내에서 키와 인증서 관리
  • 강력한 액세스 제어 메커니즘 제공
  • 업계 내 키 보안 모범 사례에 따라 보안 감사 단순화


  • CyberArk Privileged Access Security Solution으로 보호하는 데이터에 항시 보안 보장
  • 정책 시행 지원
  • 키가 승인된 목적으로만 사용되도록 제한
  • 관리 오버헤드 절감
Thales Data Protection on Demand Services - Solution Brief

Thales Data Protection on Demand Services - Solution Brief

Thales Data Protection on Demand (DPoD) is a cloud-based platform that provides a wide range of Cloud HSM and key management services through a simple online marketplace. With DPoD’s extensive platform of Luna Cloud HSM, CipherTrust Key Management, payment, and partner-led...

CyberArk Privileged Access Security Solution with Thales HSMs - Solution Brief

CyberArk Privileged Access Security Solution with Thales HSMs - Solution Brief

Protecting privileged access management credentials presents one of the largest security risks an organization faces today. These access accounts allow control of an organization’s resources, disable security systems, and enable access to vast amounts of sensitive data. Forrester estimates that 80 percent of security breaches involve privileged credentials. These breaches can come from external attackers and malicious insiders seeking a way to gain direct access to the heart of the enterprise. The fast adoption of ‘everything to the cloud’ has increased the IT footprint, creating an increasingly porous enterprise perimeter. Protecting this widely dispersed corporate and customer data, along with their associated user credentials, is paramount to a corporation’s reputation, and their success.

CyberArk Vault: Integration Guide Luna HSM and DPoD Luna Cloud HSM

CyberArk Vault: Integration Guide Luna HSM and DPoD Luna Cloud HSM

At the core of CyberArk Privileged Account Security Solution is the CyberArk Digital Vault that contains a highly secure database for storing privileged account credentials, access control policies, credential management policies, and audit information. To protect both the Digital Vault database and the data stored within the database, CyberArk has designed a multi-layered encryption hierarchy that uses FIPS 140-2 compliant encryption. Each individual file and safe within the Digital Vault database is encrypted with its own unique encryption key. The Digital Vault Server uses key-hierarchy for protecting each object in the Vault. Based on this unique and highly secure approach, CyberArk has the top-level encryption key (server key) required to start the Digital Vault.

CyberArk Digital Vault Integration

CyberArk Digital Vault Integration

Once the vault is installed, the server key can be generated on the service, where it is stored as a non-exportable key.