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Secure Software Licensing

Prevent software piracy and ensure license compliance

Software misuse can come in many shapes. Software piracy and illegal sharing or re-distribution of software can be malicious and with negative intentions, however misuse of an application can also be unintentional or accidental. Regardless of how it happened, any unauthorized use or redistribution of your offering costs you money.

Software licensing solutions enable you to deny access to your applications for anyone who is not entitled to access your application. With the variety of flexible licensing models offered with established software licensing solutions today, implementation of a software licensing solution will also give you the ability to securely offer free trials and test versions of your applications for free to increase exposure to your application. The ability to seed the market with trial versions of your application without having to worry about losing control or how to convert evaluators is just one additional benefit of software licensing. Increase your operational efficiency, improve your customer satisfaction, gain business insights and capture more revenue opportunities today with our secure software licensing solutions.

Securing your software will enable you to: 

Learn more about Thales’s suite of award-winning products

Create Recurring Revenue with Software Licensing - White Paper

Create Recurring Revenue with Software Licensing - White Paper

Higher Revenue, Happier Customers Part 1: Creating a Software Licensing Win-Win with Recurring Revenue: We live in a customer-centric, software and services-focused world. Customers are now driving decision making, and they increasingly expect immediate access and value...

Schuhfried reduces costs with feature-based licensing

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SCHUHFRIED Reduces Costs and Better Meets Customer Needs with Thales Sentinel - Case Study Many decades ago, SCHUHFRIED developed the world's first psychological test system called the Vienna Test System, or VTS. Today, the company is still the global leader in the testing...