What is SaaS Licensing?
SaaS licensing is a type of licensing model that allows for software to be licensed using a subscription-based model, while also being centrally hosted. Subscription-based business models allow companies to pay for software in different ways, whether usage-based, time-based, per user, or using other metrics.
See also Saas Pricing Models

Software Packaging and Pricing Strategies for the Cloud - White Paper
Lucrative Pricing and Packaging Strategies for the Cloud Today, Tomorrow, and Beyond Software pricing and packaging is an art form regardless of whether it’s delivered as a service or as physical on premise software. There is also a lot of science involved. This paper...

Wie es Eocortex gelang, mit Sentinel Kosten zu senken und die Benutzerfreundlichkeit zu steigern
Die innovativen und anpassbaren Sicherheitslösungen von Eocortex umfassen einige der fortschrittlichsten Funktionen auf dem globalen Markt für die Videoüberwachung. Die von Eocortex hergestellte Software ist in der Lage, Gesichter zu erkennen, Menschenmengen zu überwachen,...