What is Digital Transformation?
Digital transformation is the process and integration of new technology into businesses that automate, operate new business practices, meet new market conditions, and deliver quicker value. A digital business transformation involves utilizing modern software tools to help solve business problems and enhance customer satisfaction.
What is a Digital Transformation Framework?
A digital transformation framework is an overall formalized business plan to upgrade processes, often involving automation. It is a tool that helps guide the departments and different job titles towards the eventual goal. Businesses can grow and be more efficient by creating benchmarks, goals, and metrics.
How do you implement a Digital Transformation Project Plan?
Implementing a digital transformation project plan must include company-wide collaboration and understanding of the new technology. Frequent testing of new processes can be as important as changing your company’s culture and embracing digital technology.

Mayores Ingresos, Clientes Más Satisfechos Parte 1
Sabemos que el 60 % de los fabricantes de dispositivos conectados generará ingresos recurrentes a través de productos o servicios basados en software y, en el futuro cercano, se prevé que más del 50 % de las industrias abordará el precio y los paquetes de sus productos como si...

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