What is a Software License Renewal?
A software license renewal is necessary at the end of a contract between a software vendor and their customer. At that time, a customer and vendor may choose to renew their current license, negotiate the existing agreement, or end the agreement. Managed well, software license renewal offers real opportunities for software vendors to deepen their relationships with existing customers and expand their software footprint in companies.
See also Secure software license
What is the Software License Renewal Process?
Software license renewal processes vary by industry, vendor, and type of license. For a successful renewal, both the seller of the software and the company purchasing it should look at how they’ve used the software in the past, how their needs may have shifted over the course of the contract, how pricing and/or the industry may have changed, and more. This can be a complex process and properly managing software license renewals can significantly improve the bottom line of any software vendor.
See also Customer satisfaction
Des revenus plus élevés et des clients plus satisfaits: Partie une - White Paper
Partie une : Des revenus récurrents qui bénéficient à tout le monde Nous vivons dans un monde orienté client et axé sur les logiciels et services. Lesclients sont maintenant au coeur de toutes les décisions. Pour l’achat de biens et de services, ils s’attendent de plus en...