Complying with Advisory On Addressing The Cybersecurity Risks Associated With Quantum in Singapore
Thales helps financial institutions address the initiatives to attain crypto-agility.
On 20th February 2024, The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) issued Circular No. MAS/TCRS/2024/01 on Advisory On Addressing The Cybersecurity Risks Associated With Quantum (“Advisory”) to CEOs of financial institutions (“FIs”), urging them to address cybersecurity risks arising from developments in quantum computing, and highlights mitigating measures that financial institutions should consider.
As one of the leaders in data security, Thales helps FIs address the three initiatives to attain crypto-agility.
Regulation Overview
The MAS Advisory sets the scene by highlighting the recognized risks associated with the advent of quantum computers – specifically the threat posed to conventional asymmetric cryptography used widely in today's public key infrastructure with two core recommendations on attaining cryptographic agility and implementing quantum security.
The advisory highlights three initiatives to attain crypto-agility that FIs should consider as part of their quantum transition efforts:
Thales is committed to delivering solutions that support a Post-Quantum crypto agile strategy and secure FIs against quantum threats requires cybersecurity solutions that support Quantum Resistant Algorithms (QRA), and also offer options for Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) and Quantum Random Number Generation (QRNG).
FIs can address the initiatives to attain crypto-agility with Thales.
Advisory on Quantum | Thales Solutions |
1. Keeping abreast of the latest developments in quantum computing | |
| Thales Luna HSMs and High-speed Encryptors provide a crypto-agile approach to ensure PQC-readiness for FIs.
2. Maintaining an inventory of cryptographic assets | |
| FIs can achieve crypto-agility and maintain the inventory of cryptographic assets with Thale’s key management and quantum-safe solutions.
3. Developing strategies and building capabilities to address cybersecurity risks associated with quantum | |
| PQC starter kit allows FIs to develop and build capabilities to test quantum-safe solutions safely. Thales PQC starter kit that partners with Quantinuum accelerates the process of testing quantum-resilient measures in a safe environment. The kit helps you set up a trusted environment in a trusted Luna HSM to test PQC-ready keys to understand the implications of these changes for your infrastructure without impacting key management processes in production environments. |
On 20th February 2024, The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) issued Circular No. MAS/TCRS/2024/01 on Advisory On Addressing The Cybersecurity Risks Associated With Quantum (“Advisory”) to CEOs of financial institutions (“FIs”), urging them to address cybersecurity risks...
This ebook shows how Thales data security solutions enable you to meet global compliance and data privacy requirements including - GDPR, Schrems II, PCI-DSS and data breach notification laws.
従来、組織のITセキュリティは主に境界防御に焦点を置き、壁 を築くことで外部からの脅威がネットワークに侵入するのを防 いでいました。これは依然として重要ではあるものの、十分では ありません。サイバー犯罪者は境界防御を頻繁に突破しており、 データはこうした防御の外側のクラウドなどに存在することが 多いため、組織は場所を問わずにデータを保護するデータ中心 のセキュリティ戦略を適用する必要があります。今日のデータ急 増や、世界と地域のプライバシー規制の進化、クラウド導入の拡 大、APT(持続的標的型攻撃)などに対応するため、データ中心...