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Why PHI access controls matter
Kevin Beaver
Why PHI Access Controls Matter

The HIPAA Security Rule has clear guidance regarding what’s expected for controlling access to…

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Financial Services: At the Crossroads of Confidence and Innovation
Financial Services: At The Crossroads Of Confidence And Innovation

When famed bank robber Willie Horton was asked why he robbed banks, he famously replied, “That’s where the money is.” And today’s cybercriminals might just offer the same…

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The HIPAA compliance payoffs of protecting PHI with encryption
Kevin Beaver
The HIPAA Compliance Payoffs Of Protecting PHI With Encryption

Since its inception, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Security Rule has had one main goal: to ensure that protected health information (PHI) such…

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Jump start your data protection for GDPR
Jump Start Your Data Protection For GDPR

The journey to GDPR compliance is certainly not going to be without its challenges – as highlighted in my last few blog posts. But once you’ve successfully hit your targets…

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From The First ATM To Contactless Cashpoints: The Evolution Of Digital Payments
From The First ATM To Contactless Cashpoints: The Evolution Of Digital Payments

Fifty years ago today the world’s first automated teller machine was installed – to great success, I would say. Not only is its acronym – ATM – so commonly used that it has its…

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Trust Makes The Connected World Go Round

The Internet of Things (IoT) is growing at an unprecedented rate. In fact, it’s been predicted that, in the next three years, there will be as many as…

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