Luna Cloud HSM As a Service
Hardware Security Module Trust with the Convenience of Cloud
Key vaults are a secure and trusted mechanism used to protect cryptographic keys and secrets. Use your Key Vault to generate and/or store cryptographic keys, establishing a common root of trust across all applications and services. Using Luna Cloud HSM as a service, customers can store and manage cryptographic keys. Your key vault can also perform cryptographic operations such as encryption/decryption of Data Encryption keys, protection of secrets (passwords, SSH keys, etc.), and more.
The Luna Cloud HSM service is a generic key vault that can be used for a wide variety of use cases. By using Luna Cloud HSM as a service, you can manage a wide variety of complex use cases easily from the cloud. The Luna Cloud HSM service can be used as a root of trust for the CipherTrust Manager virtual appliance, and other appliances, applications and services. It can also be used in conjunction with a growing list of proven integrations.
Thales Data Protection on Demand (DPoD) is a cloud-based platform that provides a wide range of Cloud HSM and key management services through a simple online marketplace. With DPoD’s extensive platform of Luna Cloud HSM, CipherTrust Key Management, payment, and partner-led...
PrimeKey showcase how adopting Thales technology can help manufacturing organizations meet industrial-specific regulations, ensure business continuity for their services, scale their businesses and remain flexible to market conditions. Multiple factors can influence the...
When you sign a piece of code, you make a statement that it comes from your trusted brand and that you stand behind it. But what happens when that trust is broken? Recent attacks, such as the ASUS Live Update hack, underscore the importance of managing reputational risk. As...
Learn more about DPoD service tiles that provide users with software access to a Hardware Security Module (HSM) over the internet, with specific subscription options based on the encryption use case.
Learn how to provision services using the DPoD GUI. Once a service is created, the user downloads a Luna Cloud HSM service client to connect the service to a client machine.