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SafeNet IDPrime Virtual


As organizations continue to move their business to the cloud, the need may arise for PKI authentication, data encryption, and digital signing that can be carried out without a physical piece of hardware such as a token or USB. Thanks to SafeNet IDPrime Virtual that is now a possibility. Enable your cloud transformation securely by building on your current PKI authentication framework for cloud access. Increase mobility by allowing users to authenticate to apps and carry out PKI operations from any device including BYOD (Bring your Own Device) via VDI within a Windows-based VDI environment. And reduce operational costs associated with hardware- based smart cards by replacing them with a virtual solution without compromising security.

  • Key Features
  • Key Components
  • Technical Specifications
  • Full crypto operations support +or desktop and web-based applications
  • Import and generate certificate
  • Digital signature
  • Encryption and decryption
  • Certificate-based authentication
  • Windows smart card authentication
  • MS CAPI support by SafeNet Minidriver
  • PKCS #11 support by SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC)
  • Offline smart card support
Server Components

SafeNet IDPrime Virtual Server

• Delivered as a Docker
• Provides REST based APIs
• Provisioning API (for smart card provisioning)
• SWS API (digital signature)
• Key Management API
• Client Interface API

SafeNet IDPrime Virtual Server Supported Databases

• MariaDB Database
• MSSQL Database
• MySQL Database
• PostgreSQL Database
• Oracle Database Enterprise and Express Edition

Supported HSMs

• Protects SafeNet IDPrime Virtual Database
• SafeNet Luna 6/7.3/7.7 Support
• KeySecure
• DPoD

SafeNet Trusted Access (or 3rd party IDP)

• PingFederate
• Okta
• Keycloak Agent for SAS PCE

Client Components

SafeNet Minidriver OR SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC)

PKI middleware/Minidriver

SafeNet IDPrime Virtual Client

Launches the SafeNet IDPrime solution on the Windows client
• IDPV System Tray
• IDPV Windows Service
• IDPV Credential Provider

Optional Components

SafeNet IDPrime Virtual SDK

For developers who want to build proprietary apps

Server Operating Systems

• Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Server 9
• Ubuntu 22.04
• CentOS-7

Client Operating Systems

• Windows 10 (64-bit)
• Red Hat Enterprise 8.3
• Ubuntu 20.04
• CentOS 8.3

Supported APIs

• PKCS#11 V2.20, PKCS#15, MS CryptoAPI and CNG(CSP,KSP), PC/SC

Supported cryptographic algorithms

• 3DES, SHA-256, RSA up to 2048

Supported CMSs

• Atos, Versasec

SafeNet IDPrime Virtual

SafeNet IDPrime Virtual - Product Brief

Cyber security adoption is booming, with record IT spending on security solutions for enterprises using on-premises as well as cloud and web-based services. Along with the proliferation of vendors and solutions comes also a rise in security breaches. One of the most successful...

A Global Bank modernizes its Authentication Framework with SafeNet IDPrime Virtual - Case Study

A Global Bank modernizes its Authentication Framework with SafeNet IDPrime Virtual - Case Study

A large international banking group has adopted SafeNet IDPrime Virtual, a virtual smart card solution developed by Thales, to extend their existing Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) environment to modern IT use cases.