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SafeNet IDPrime
FIDO Biometric Smart Card

Discover a new authentication experience
with a biometric and NFC card


The Security vs. Convenience Dilemma

Access security threats like stolen credentials, phishing attacks, and human error are top of mind for organizations moving to the cloud. Many are grappling with low user adoption of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), which is often cited as cumbersome. According to Gartner, poor user experience during authentication is one of the main pitfalls to avoid when deploying MFA. Thales is committed to helping organizations rise to this challenge with the help of innovative, highly secure and user-friendly solutions like the SafeNet IDPrime FIDO Bio Smart Card.

Access Management Threats to Know

Phishing on the rise

Phishing on the rise

The 2023 Thales Data Threat Report found that 43% of respondents have seen an increase in phishing attacks.

We’re only human

The #1 root cause of cloud data breaches was human error, as reported in the 2023 Thales Data Threat Report.

We’re only human
Stolen credentials put to bad use

Stolen credentials put to bad use

The Verizon 2023 Data Breach Investigations Report indicates that attackers most often gain access to data by leveraging compromised or stolen credentials (49%) and phishing attacks (16%).

Biometric Smart Card:
Improve MFA Adoption and Convenience

Combining biometrics and NFC, the innovative SafeNet IDPrime FIDO Bio Smart Card allows end users to authenticate from multiple types of devices securely and easily, with just a fingerprint instead of a password.

  • Features FIDO2, on-device biometric, and NFC
  • FIDO 2.1 Level 1 and Chip CC EAL6+ certified
  • PIN and Biometry (fingerprint) user verification
  • Contact and contactless modes
  • Supported by Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS
  • Compatible with any services supporting WebAuthn and U2F
USB Token with Touch Sense Options

SafeNet IDPrime FIDO Bio Smart Card Benefits


Phishing Protection

FIDO2 protects against Phishing and Man-In-The-Middle attacks.


Greater Convenience

End users authenticate faster and easier by tapping the card on the device and putting their fingerprint on the card.


Increased User Adoption

Reach MFA deployment goals by reducing friction for end users.


Enhanced Data Privacy

The biometrics of the user never leaves the smart card.


Deploy on Mobile & Laptops

Contact and contactless (NFC) modes permit usage on multiple types of devices.

Get Users Set Up in Minutes

It only takes a few minutes for your end users to enroll the FIDO Biometric smart card, register, and authenticate to a new web service – as you’ll see in this demo with Gregory Vigroux, Thales IAM PKI/FIDO Product line Manager


Is the SafeNet IDPrime FIDO Bio Smart Card Right for You?

What are the indicators the SafeNet IDPrime FIDO Bio Smart Card will work for my business?

If the following statements apply to your business, the SafeNet IDPrime FIDO Bio Smart Card is likely to be a good fit.

  • Your organization is concerned by end users’ MFA adoption.
  • Your end users use mobile devices to access web resources and the mobile is supporting NFC.
  • Your end users work on shared workstations or are working in mobile restricted environment.
  • Your laptops/workstations can be equipped with a contact or contactless reader or support NFC.
  • Your devices and web resources to protect support WebAuthn/FIDO2/U2F.
  • Your end users are not using gloves or other equipment that could limit the usage of their fingerprint for authentication.

What use cases are supported by the SafeNet IDPrime FIDO Bio Smart Card?

The SafeNet IDPrime FIDO Bio Smart Card can help organizations address the below needs and many more. Connect with the Thales team if you’d like to discuss your specific use case.

  • Frontline workers who need quick, easy access to digital resources.
  • VIPs who want to use a premium, innovative and user-friendly form of authentication.
  • Users who are worried replacing their previous authentication method (password) with a new one (MFA).
  • Securing access to Windows, Mac or Linux machines.
  • Securing access to modern web apps.

When might the SafeNet IDPrime FIDO Bio Smart Card not be a suitable solution?

SafeNet IDPrime FIDO Bio Smart Card is not suitable for:

  • Staff using gloves (medical) or working in a dirty environment where fingerprints cannot be captured (some medical staff, factories), even if PIN is available as a fallback to biometry.
  • People with physical disabilities which prevent them from using their fingerprint.
  • Secure access to legacy IT resources that do not support FIDO2/WebAuthN.

Recommended Resources

Top 5 Reasons Choosing FIDO2 Devices for Enterprise Authentication

FIDO authentication has gained traction as a modern form of MFA because of its considerable benefits in easing the log in experience for users. It also overcomes the inherent vulnerabilities of text-based passwords.

Thales FIDO2 Security Keys

Organizations expanding their digital transformation are moving applications and data to the cloud to enable accessibility from anywhere and decrease operating costs. As users log in to an increasing number of cloud-based applications, weak passwords are emerging as the primary cause of identity theft and security breaches.

Conquer Phishing Attacks with Strong Authentication - Thales and Microsoft

In this Webcast, Matthew Isbell @ Microsoft and Gregory Vigroux @ Thales discussed about new regulations for strong and phishing-resistant authentication and how to meet them by combining Azure AD CBA and authentication strengths capabilities with Thales PKI/FIDO authenticators.

FIDO2 Security Keys Specifications

Learn more information about Thales' FIDO2 Security Keys in our specifications brochure.

FIDO Quick Start Guide

Set Up & Authenticate FIDO Biometric Smart Card

Easy, step-by-step, instructions for Windows users on how to set up and authenticate your FIDO Biometric Smart Card.