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Mobile Phone & Software Authentication Tokens


Mobile phone- and software-based multi-factor authentication products enable organizations to significantly save on hardware and deployment costs, while users benefit by not having to carry an additional hardware token around with them.

Software authentication solutions include a virtual smart card for PCs and flash memory, and a one-time password (OTP) authenticator for PCs and mobile devices.

Thales’ smart phone OTP tokens combine the security of proven two-factor strong authentication with the convenience, simplicity, and ease of use of OTPs generated on a mobile phone.  Our smart phone tokens are available for all mobile devices including iOS, Android, BlackBerry, and Windows Phone.

Thales’ software and passwordless authentication options include: OTP Push, OTP Apps, SMS, Email, Pattern Based AuthenticationContextual Authentication.

Phone- and Software-Based Authentication Products:



MobilePASS+ Push

MobilePASS+ Push is a next generation software token mobile app that supports both OTP and single-tap out-of-band push authentication for enhanced speed and user convenience.

Learn More About MobilePASS+ Push




The SafeNet MobilePASS family of one-time password (OTP) software authentication solutions combines the security of proven two-factor strong authentication with the convenience, simplicity, and ease of use of OTPs generated on personal mobile devices or PCs.

Learn More About MobilePASS

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SSO + MFA + Access Management

All in one platform

Phone and Software Authentication Token Resources

Ready to learn how you can leverage the smart phones, tablets, and other devices employees are using for authentication rather than relying on separate hardware authenticators? Start with the following resources or contact our sales team for information about our phone- and software-based authentication tokens.

Learn more about Out of Band Authentication