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The Next Step In End-to-End Encryption: Introducing EncryptReduce
Blake Wood
The Next Step In End-to-End Encryption: Introducing EncryptReduce

This past March at RSAC 2019, Pure Storage and Thales introduced the security industry’s first end-to-end data encryption framework that realizes storage array data reduction…

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Nick Jovanovic
History Doesn’t Repeat Itself in Cyberspace

Originally published in…

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SEPA – 2011 DDA deadline

As EMV has been rolled out across Europe, issuers have faced a choice between static data authentication and dynamic data authentication, or SDA and DDA. Many banks, especially…

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The Rise Of Hybrid Cloud Poses New Security Challenges – Are You Prepared?
Gary Marsden
The Rise Of Hybrid Cloud Poses New Security Challenges – Are You Prepared?

There aren’t many sure bets in technology today, but it’s hard to see an enterprise world without the use of hybrid cloud environments. Hybrid cloud deals have dominated the…

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How To Prepare For The California Consumer Privacy Act
Charles Goldberg
How To Prepare For The California Consumer Privacy Act

On June 28, 2018 the governor of California Jerry Brown signed into law with Assembly Bill No. 375 the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), making California the first U.S.…

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Payments And Security: Putting Security Where Your Money Is
Ian Hermon
Payments And Security: Putting Security Where Your Money Is

Originally published in …

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