Ready to maximize the value of your software?
Thales Sentinel is right for you if you need ultimate flexibility
to move at market speed.
Build flexible business models
Dynamic business environments require you to move and change quickly. With Thales Sentinel Software & Services, you have the freedom to create new and versatile business models and software packages to keep up with customer demands.

Increase operational efficiency
Easily update configurations with ease, and repackage offerings in real-time. As a vendor-agnostic platform, we can enable your applications on-premise, in the cloud, or in a hybrid manner with a seamless end-customer experience. Our licensing solutions are flexible enough to work wherever you are operating and allow for easy integration with your back office and customer-facing systems.
Create an excellent customer experience
Happy customers lead to a successful business. Evolve your licensing strategy to meet customers wherever they are, and put them in control of their licensing without sacrificing your needs.

Navigate The Process of Licensing, Delivering, and Protecting Your Software - White Paper
How to Get Software Licensing Right The First TimeCheck out our practical guide to navigating the process of licensing, delivering, and protecting your software. Discover the importance of optimizing your software licensing. Avoid common mistakes with the expertise you...