FIPS 140-2 certification
Thales helps you meet your needs for data security compliance with FIPS 140-2 certified products.
The Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication 140-2 (FIPS PUB 140-2), commonly referred as FIPS 140-2, is a US government computer security standard used to validate cryptographic modules. FIPS 140-2 was created by the NIST1 and, per the FISMA2, is mandatory for US and Canadian government procurements. Many global organisations are also mandated to meet this standard.
Thales delivers security products that have been tested and validated against the rigorous FIPS 140-2 standard, helping you comply with regulations while also giving you the confidence you need in your cryptographic tools.
According to FIPS Publication 140-2:
[It] provides a standard that will be used by Federal organisations when these organisations specify that cryptographic-based security systems are to be used to provide protection for sensitive or valuable data. Protection of a cryptographic module within a security system is necessary to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of the information protected by the module. This standard specifies the security requirements that will be satisfied by a cryptographic module.
… The security requirements cover areas related to the secure design and implementation of a cryptographic module. These areas include cryptographic module specification; cryptographic module ports and interfaces; roles, services, and authentication; finite state model; physical security; operational environment; cryptographic key management; electromagnetic interference/electromagnetic compatibility (EMI/EMC); self-tests; design assurance; and mitigation of other attacks.
The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Canadian Communications Security Establishment (CSE) jointly participate as certification authorities in the Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP) to provide validation of cryptographic modules to the FIPS 140-2 standard.
For more information, click here.
Thales develops cryptographic products and subsystems that conform to the FIPS 140-2 security standard. Thales products that meet the standard include:
Luna HSMs from Thales provide a hardened, tamper-resistant environment for secure cryptographic processing, key generation and protection, encryption and more. Available in three FIPS 140-2 certified form factors, Luna HSMs support a variety of deployment scenarios.
In addition, Luna HSMs:
The payShield family of HSMs are proven hardware security modules dedicated to the payment industry for issuing credentials, processing transactions and managing keys.
At the centre of the CipherTrust data security platform is the FIPS140-2 compliant CipherTrust Manager, which provides cryptographic-key and policy management for CipherTrust transparent encryption, CipherTrust Tokenisation, and CipherTrust Application Data Protection. Delivered in virtual and physical appliance form factors, the CipherTrust Manager delivers key storage and protection for data at rest.
Secure your digital assets, comply with regulatory and industry standards and protect your organisation’s reputation. Learn how Thales can help.
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