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Sentinel Fit

Secure licensing with a smaller footprint

Sentinel Fit is an ultra-lightweight and highly portable commercial licensing solution, which is ideal for embedded systems.

How to Get Software Licensing Right the First Time - White Paper

Navigate The Process of Licensing, Delivering, and Protecting Your Software

How to Get Software Licensing Right The First Time - White Paper Check out our practical guide to navigating the process of licensing, delivering, and protecting your software. Discover the importance of optimizing your software licensing. Avoid common mistakes with the...


  • Ultra-Low Footprint

    Sentinel Fit is designed for environments that are highly constrained from a resource perspective. 

  • Highly Portable

    Deploy the Sentinel Fit runtime onto a myriad of different environments and platforms, across OS variants, CPU architectures, and board types. 

  • Flexible and Secure Software Licensing

    Sentinel Fit enables embedded devices to gain access to popular licensing models without compromising on security.