Software vendors report significant business scaling when they implement the Thales’ Sentinel Software Monetization Platform. In March 2023, the potential cost savings and business benefits were quantified by the Thales-commissioned Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact™(TEI) study. The Forrester TEI documented how Thales’ Sentinel Software Monetization Platform:
Supports software monetization business needs
Paid off its investment, with full payback in 12 months and 301% ROI over five years
Results are for a composite organization representative of interviewed customers.
Total Benefits
What are the business needs for SM?

Increase Revenue

Provide Value-Add
to Customers

Harness ML Data for Business Insights

Faster Time-To-Market
How is software monetization carried out?
Software monetization means ISVs, IDVs, or SaaS companies can offer their software at scale. This is accomplished with flexible packaging, enabled through licensing and entitlement (feature options). An SM platform should allow licensing and feature choice to be configurable and automatable, with all management on a single portal.
Business Benefits
The Forrester Consulting study found the following quantified benefits
from Thales’ Sentinel Software Monetization Platform:
Additional Savings
Product Savings
Legacy maintenance and retirement cost savings: $1.9M
Personnel Reduction
50%+ reassignment of dedicated order takers and licensing professionals
Five licensing and order-taking FTEs reduced by 3 FTEs in Year 1 and 2 FTEs in Year 2
Qualitative Advantages of The Sentinel Platform
Software providers now see software monetization as a given, rather than a potential goal. Growing software revenue is now a focus area of their organizations’ corporate strategies, as evidenced in their financial statements.
Customers reported zero implementation performance issues, and therefore Thales’ Sentinel Software Monetization Platform is considered reliable and secure.
Business data insights enable sales strategy decisions. Customers enjoy detailed and higher-quality data than previously, derived from self-serve licensing activity by customers.
CX improved. Thales enabled organizations to meet their customer licensing needs while improving the customer experience through a single portal, smartphone apps, and other features, including CRM and ERP integration.
Now It’s Your Turn
Thales’ Sentinel Software Monetization Platform offers a complimentary
Comprehensive Sentinel Assessment Projection.
Find out how software monetization
could help you...

Increase Your Profit Margin

Improve Your OpEx

Enhance Your CX

Gain Business Insights
Fuel Your Software or SaaS Growth with Thales’
Sentinel Licensing & Entitlement Platform
Sentinel is the complete and connected license and entitlements platform designed to help you excel in today’s agile business landscape. Thousands of companies — from Fortune 500s to small family businesses — use the Sentinel Platform to unlock significant software revenue growth.