Software monetization can be viewed as the adoption of any variety of measures an organization takes in order to increase the profitability of their intellectual property, in this case, software. These tactics can range from sophisticated anti-piracy and IP protection techniques to creative pricing and packaging strategies.
It is important to note that no individual software monetization technique is greater than the combination of multiple techniques. No matter what type of software application has been developed or how that application is being delivered to the end-user, a comprehensive software monetization strategy hinges on four key factors - how effectively the software publisher can package, control, manage, and track, their offering.
Software Packaging
Contrary to popular belief, software packaging is not a one time event and despite the hopes of product managers around the world, "one size" is never going to "fit all".
You can have the most sophisticated, feature-rich offering on the market, but if you can’t offer flexible pricing and licensing models you will never reach your maximum potential! And just when you thought the work was done, you are going to need the ability to change all of your pricing and packaging schemes on the fly in order to satisfy the constantly evolving demands of enterprise and end-users alike.
So what does it take to be successful in the world of software packaging?
- Product versatility – capitalizing on WHAT customers want to pay for
- License model flexibility – understanding HOW customers want to pay for it
- Business model agility – flexibly ADAPTING to new customer requirements
Learn more about building an effective software pricing and packaging strategy now.
Software Protection
Control is critical to effective software monetization. All of the creative pricing and packing in the world won’t get you anywhere if you have no way to prevent unauthorized use or distribution of your intellectual property, in this case software. Effective control over their software will enable software publishers to:
Software control is not just about protecting revenue, it is also about an organization’s ability to protect the integrity of their product and brand reputations.
Learn more about software protection and licensing now.
Software License Management

Profitability is as much about reducing and controlling costs as it is about revenue. Therefore it is critical that all the systems put in place to help effectively price, package, bill for, and manage your product offerings not only integrate easily with each other, but are simple and easy to use for both internal and external stakeholders. Effective software monetization management focuses on three things:
- Centralization
- Automation
- End-user enablement
With the right entitlement management tools in place, every step of the license, entitlement, and software delivery process can be easily automated in an internally transparent and end-user friendly way. Adoption of a system agnostic, flexible entitlement management solution will enable you to automate time-consuming, manual tasks, eliminate human-error, and track the status of your end-user’s entitlement and usage trends for life.
Learn more about centralizing and automating product fulfillment, delivery, tracking, management and support processes while embracing customer self-service through effective software license and entitlement management now.
Software Usage Tracking

The ability to effectively track and easily report on what end-users are entitled to, as well as, what they have consumed -- when, and to what extent -- is a key aspect of a comprehensive software monetization strategy. Product usage tracking provides the business insight required to:
- Track and report on license agreement compliance
- Optimize product roadmap investment based on usage trends
- Create automated marketing and sales processes
- Drive future packaging strategies
The ability to track product and feature usage not only helps you to optimize investment and resource allocation, but it ensures you are effectively pricing, packaging, and marketing your solutions based on actual end-user behaviors.
Usage data is not only valuable to you – it is valuable to your end-users. Making all or a portion of this data accessible to end users gives them the information they need to ensure compliance with their license agreements and to proactively manage large enterprise deployments.
Learn more about leveraging software usage tracking data to improve business processes and enhance customer satisfaction now