
Why Does PCI DSS Matter?

Why Does PCI DSS Matter?

PCI DSS stands for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. Protecting payment-related data is certainly important, but similar concerns about a much wider range of sensitive personal information — such as medical records, criminal backgrounds, and employment information — have elevated the issue of data protection, triggering numerous privacy laws and data-breach- disclosure obligations.

Compliance, of course, is mandatory. Failure to take the appropriate steps would at the very least damage your organization’s reputation and put the enterprise at a competitive disadvantage. Worse, if you experienced a data breach, you’d be hit by fines and accusations of negligence would come thick and fast. Those fines might be levied by the card brands themselves and/or your acquirer (the organization that processes transactions on your behalf and that might be responsible for vouching for your PCI DSS compliance to the payment card brands). You’d also face increased transaction fees and potential litigation.

Avoiding all this trouble makes it easy to see why complying with the PCI DSS is in your organization’s best interest. There’s another benefit: You can use many of the same technologies and processes you use to achieve PCI DSS compliance to protect a wide variety of data across your enterprise.

Note: This material is drawn from PCI Compliance & Data Protection for DummiesThales Limited Edition, by Ian Hermon and Peter Spier.

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