- Access Management & Authentifizierung
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SafeNet Authentication Service Private Cloud Edition (SAS PCE)ist eine Authentifizierungslösung, die on-premises bereitgestellt wird und vollautomatische, hochsichere Authentifizierung mit flexiblen Tokenoptionen bietet, die an den individuellen Bedarf Ihres Unternehmens angepasst ist und die Gesamtbetriebskosten deutlich senkt.
SafeNet Authentication Service (SAS) PCE:
Vollautomatische Verwaltung
Umfassendes Integrationsökosystem
Mehrschichtige mandantenfähige Architektur
Große Auswahl an 2FA-Methoden und Token
Standardbasierte Sicherheit
Flexible As-a-Service- oder On-Premises-Bereitstellung
Niedrige Gesamtbetriebskosten
The Health and Social Care (HSC) system in Northern Ireland includes five HSC Trusts who provide integrated health and social care services across Northern Ireland – they are the Belfast, South Eastern, Western, Southern and Northern.
SafeNet Authentication Service Private Cloud Edition is an on-premises authentication platform making authentication easy and cost effective to implement and manage. Our approach has been to design a solution which takes away many of the traditional pain points in...
A Hong Kong government department deployed SafeNet Authentication Service Private Cloud Edition (SAS-PCE) to deliver a highly secure on-premises authentication solution in compliance with the multi-factor authentication (MFA) requirements in the Hong Kong IT Security...
Identity and access management key concepts, technologies and standards compiled for you in this Access Management ebook . You will learn: • Authentication and access management differences • How to leverage cloud single sign on (SSO) • Key concepts in Access...