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Security tokens, smart cards and other authentication methods

Authentication Methods

One time password icon

Offering the broadest range of authentication methods and form factors, Thales allows customers to address numerous use cases, assurance levels and threat vectors with unified, centrally managed policies — managed from one authentication back end delivered in the cloud or on-premises.

Supported authentication methods include context-based authentication combined with step-up capabilities, OOB, one-time password (OTP) and X.509 certificate-based solutions. All authentication methods are available in numerous form factors, including smart card, USB token, software, mobile app and hardware tokens.

KuppingerCole Leadership Compass: Market Report and Guide for CIAM Solutions - Analyst Report

KuppingerCole Leadership Compass: Market Report and Guide for CIAM Solutions

This report analyzes the CIAM market, and guides you to find the best solution for user registration, authentication, and compliance, enhancing customer experience.

Thales Authentication Tokens and FIDO devices:

Certificate-Based USB Authentication Tokens

token iconThales’s certificate-based USB authenticators enable secure remote access as well as other advanced applications including digital signing, password management, network logon and combined physical/logical access in a single USB security token.

Learn more about USB tokens

Thales's USB security tokens

  • SafeNet eToken 5300 is a compact, tamper-evident USB, which creates a third factor of authentication. This next generation eToken features presence detection functionality, is FIPS 140-2 certified and is available in Micro and Mini form factors.

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  • SafeNet eToken 5110: Offers two-factor authentication for secure remote and network access, as well as certificate-based support for advanced security applications, including digital signature and pre-boot authentication.

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Certificate-based smart cards

smartcard iconThales’s range of certificate-based smart cards offer strong multi-factor authentication in a traditional credit card form factor and enable organisations to address their PKI security and access control needs.

Learn more about smart cards

Smart cards:

  • SafeNet IDPrime Smart Cards: IDPrime MD are Minidriver-enabled PKI smartcards that work seamlessly with any Microsoft environment. PKI security enables strong authentication, password management, secure digital signatures and data security solutions.

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  • SafeNet IDPrime PIV is FIPS 201 standards-based card for federal, state and local government organisations to issue user credentials that they can trust. SafeNet IDPrime PIV cards deliver high levels of security and interoperability with federal agencies.

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One-Time Password

otp iconGenerate dynamic one-time passwords (OTPs) for properly authenticating users to critical applications and data, whether on an authentication token, mobile device or grid-based authentication.

Learn more About OTP

Thales's OTP Products:

  • eToken PASS: A compact and portable strong authentication device that allows organisations to conveniently and effectively establish OTP-based access control.

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Pattern-Based Authentication

gridsure iconGrIDsure Tokens: Authenticate the end-user via a matrix of cells which contain random characters, from which he or she selects a 'personal identification pattern' (PIP).

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Mobile Phone and Software Authentication

mobile authentication iconMobile phone and software-based authentication tokens enable organisations to significantly save on hardware and deployment costs, while users benefit by not having to carry an additional hardware token around with them.

Learn more About Software Authentication

Thales's Software Authentication Products:

FIDO devices

FIDO2 and PKI Support, All-in-One Device - SafeNet IDPrime 3940 FIDO Smart Card

SafeNet IDPrime 3940 FIDO Smart Card is a dual-interface smart card designed for PKI-based applications and comes with a SafeNet minidriver that offers perfect integration with native support for Microsoft® environments, without any additional middleware.
USB token with Touch Sense Options - SafeNet eToken FIDO

SafeNet eToken FIDO is a USB token, an ideal solution for enterprises looking to deploy passwordless authentication for employees. This authenticator is a compact, tamper-evident USB with presence detection, which creates a third factor of authentication: Something you have (physical token), something you know (PIN), something you do (touching the token).
Learn more about FIDO devices

Thales OneWelcome PKI/CBA and FIDO Authenticators

Thales OneWelcome PKI/CBA and FIDO Authenticators - Brochure

This brochure showcases the Thales OneWelcome PKI/CBA and FIDO Authenticator portfolio, featuring certificate-based smart cards and virtual smart card, certificate-based USB tokens, offering strong multi-factor authentication enabling organizations to address their PKI...

Thales OneWelcome Authenticators Portfolio - Brochure

Thales OneWelcome Authenticators Portfolio - Brochure

Offering the broadest range of multi-factor authentication methods and form factors, Thales facilitates and empowers enterprise-wide security initiatives for maintaining and improving secure access to enterprise resources.Thales’s OneWelcome authenticators include hardware and...

Assessing the True Cost of Strong Authentication - White Paper

Assessing the True Cost of Strong Authentication - White Paper

Many organizations do not consider the Total Cost of Operation of their authentication solution. Instead, they decide based on the up-front purchase price. In fact, infrastructure investments and management overheads dominate the total cost of the solution, and lowering these...

kuppingercole enterprise authentication solutions

KuppingerCole Leadership Compass on Enterprise Authentication - Report

Explore the Enterprise Authentication Leadership Compass where KuppingerCole identifies the leaders in the authentication solutions market: • Highly innovative and specialized vendors • Local players that provide strong product features • Companies that...